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NFS Hot Pursuit: Camera Hack, Steering Wheel and Manual Gear Mod Thursday, 25.11.2010
NFS Hot PursuitThe first mods for Need for Speed Hot Pursuit came out: One of them is a camera hack, which allows you to modify the camera position in the game, so you can make beautiful pictures or even set the camera into your cockpit to simulate a cockpit view.

Camera Hack 2 Camera Hack 1

The second mod is called NFS Hot Pursuit Wheel + Manual Gears Mod and fixes several issues with steering wheels and additionally allows manual transition!

You can download the mods either from the author's website from ToCA EDIT, our from NFS Hot Pursuit files section.

» NFS Hot Pursuit Downloads

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NFS Hot Pursuit: PC Patch announced for next Week Wednesday, 24.11.2010
NFS Hot PursuitMatt Webster from Criterion posted on the » official boards about the development of a PC patch for Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, which should be released next week:

Thanks to everyone who has helped us track down the problems that have been heavily reported on these forums.

I'm pleased to be able to update you on the patch that will be forthcoming early next week.

Mulit-Core CPU's
We've now located and fixed the problem that players were reporting where the game would crash on Car Select, Map Screen, Loading screen or just at the start of an event. Interestingly we're actually intrigued that the game works at all after our investigations with the problem actually manifesting itself in code that we shipped as part of Burnout Paradise.

We've also taken the opportunity to address a couple of other reported problems.

Missing Rain / Snow and Corona effects
This have been fixed

CL Eye Driver crashing the game on startup

Corrupted Dreamshots in non 16:9 aspect ratios

We've also added D-BOX motion chair support.

Once again, thanks to all the players who helped us track down and identify the problem. We'll detail exactly when the patch will be available as soon as we can. As I said, it's likely to be early next week, but we need to go through the testing and certification systems that are in place prior to release.

Criterion Games

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Third NFS Hot Pursuit DLC: SCPD Rebels Pack Wednesday, 24.11.2010
NFS Hot PursuitAfter Timesaver Packs now the third DLC for Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is available on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360:

The SCPD Rebels Pack adds seven new cars to the Racer line-up, which previously were only available to the police side.

Here is a complete list of the new racer cars:

- Aston Martin DBS
- Audi R8 5.2 FSI
- Bugatti Veyron 16.4
- Chevrolet Corvette Z06
- Lamborghini Reventon
- Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S
- Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 Edition

The SCPD Rebels Pack costs 320 MS Points / $3.99 USD.

» NFS Hot Pursuit Carlist
» Gamerzines

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NFS Shift: First unofficial track Riviera available Tuesday, 23.11.2010
NFS ShiftThe first unofficial add-on track for Need for Speed Shift (PC) is available: the Riviera Monte Grande.

The track is quite similar to Monaco and was initally released in the » Exotic Racing Series DLC, which is unfortunately only available on consoles. The guys from NoGripRacing converted the track for PC, and made a first version v0.90 available. It's not finished yet, but a quick race with or without AI should be possible.


The german website » Visual-Gamer published a video and several screenshots, which make quite a good impression of the game.

The installation might be tricky. You can find more information here:

» Riviera Monte Grande Track Conversion Project
» Screenshots & Video @ Visual-Gamer
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Can Shift 2 beat "sterile" Gran Turismo? Tuesday, 23.11.2010
Shift 2 UnleashedWith the announcement of Shift 2 Unleashed Need for Speed fans can expect after the action-packed Hot Pursuit a more authentic racer.

In an interview with CVG EA's Patrick Soderlund sees "Gran Turismo" as a direct competitor to Shift. Although, he doesn't want to beat Gran Turismo in all areas, he wants to score with a more authentic race experience:

"Honestly, my take on this. Would I want to compete with Gran Turismo on sheer scale - meaning number of cars and the depth that they have in the game? Probably not."

"What does make sense to me... I think they have a very sterile, almost car collecting type of product where that's mainly what we do and I think we can offer something different"

"Our idea is that if we can offer the most authentic driving experience and portray what it feels like being inside a race car, then I think that's where we can excel and where we absolutely will beat them. That I know for sure."

Shift 2 Unleashed will be released in Spring 2011. You can find more information and the first trailer of the game here:

» Shift 2 Unleashed announced
» CVG (Source)
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NFS Hot Pursuit Autolog Photo Contest Tuesday, 23.11.2010
NFS Hot PursuitThe NFS Team created a Photo Contest over Twitter, where they're looking for the most beautiful screenshots of Seacrest County in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit! The contest was extended until November 26th and the prize is a Playstation 3!

Reason enough to get behind the wheel and make great shots of the landscapes in Seacrest County. All you have to do, is shooting your pictures in the photomode and then you can retrieve them over Autolog on the web.
Upload your photos at Twitpic and tweet your pictures - just don't forget to add @needforspeed and #AutologPhotos to your tweet.

You can find more information about the contest here:

» NFS Hot Pursuit Autolog Photo Contest Extended

» Order Need for Speed Hot Pursuit at!
» Order Need for Speed Hot Pursuit at!
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NFS World Performance Customization Competition Tuesday, 23.11.2010
NFS World OnlineMit der Version 5 von Need for Speed World ist auch die neue Leistungsanpassung verfügbar geworden, mit der ihr das beste aus den Wagen herauskitzeln könnt.

In einem neuen Wettbewerb wollen die Entwickler sehen, welche Racer aus der Community das schnellste Fahrzeug an den Start bringen können. Gesucht ist der höchste Gesamtwert für die Fahrzeugperformance, in jeweils einer Fahrzeugstufe. Somit wird es für Tier 1, Tier 2 und Tier 3 jeweils einen Gewinner geben!
With version 5 of Need for Speed World the new Performance Customization System was made available, which allows you to get the best out of your cars.

In a new competition EA wants to see who could create the highest performing vehicle. Create the car with the highest performance rating for each tier - the highest tier 1, 2 or 3 rated cars will win a Need for Speed swag bundle.

Performance Tuning Competition

As mentioned in the latest Podcast, the cars in NFS World can go faster than before - everything depends on how you set up your can and what parts you use.

You can find more information about this competition here:

» Performance Customization Competition
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NFS Hot Pursuit Review Tuesday, 23.11.2010
NFS Hot PursuitFinally, our review of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is finished!

With Hot Pursuit Criterion Games got the chance to create their own interpretation of Need for Speed and the result is quite impressive! Expensive exotic cars, fast races and thrilling pursuits are shaping the game. After a long time you can even sit behind the wheel of a police car and hunt down racers - NFS Hot Pursuit combines both sides of the law in this title.

You can read our review here:

» NFS Hot Pursuit Review

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NFS Hot Pursuit: First DLCs available (Timesaver Packs) Monday, 22.11.2010
NFS Hot PursuitIt didn't take long, the first DLC for Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is already available. Although, it's more like a purchasable cheatcode, because both the Racer Timesaver Pack and SCPD Timesaver Pack do nothing else than giving you immediate access to all cars in the game. The Racer Timesaver Pack unlocks all racer cars and the SCPD Timesaver Pack all cop cars.

Keep in mind, you can unlock all cars regularly by just playing the career.

The Timesaver Packs are available on Playstation Network for $3.99 USD or Xbox Live Marketplace for 320 MS Points each.

» Gamerzines (Source)

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NFS Hot Pursuit the most responsive game Saturday, 20.11.2010
NFS Hot PursuitIf you're interested in the technical details of the game, DigitalFoundry looks behind the scenes of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit.

After the interview with Technical Director Richard Parr and Senior Engineer Alex Fry ( Part 1, Part 2) and the Tech Interview, where they talk about the underlying Chameleon engine and controller response times, now DigitalFoundry tested the final version of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit and compares in its Face-Off Artikel the different platforms (X360, PS3, PC) and what effect the decreasing of the framerate to 30fps had.

In our previous tests, we have never seen controller latency on a 30FPS game improve over a baseline 100ms. However, multiple measurements with Xbox 360 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit confirm a five frame delay - so 83ms in total. This makes the game the most responsive 30Hz title we've ever tested and means that despite halving the frame-rate, controller response in Hot Pursuit is just one frame slower than the 60FPS Burnout Paradise.

The PC test, where the game is running at the full frame-rate (as evidenced by the FRAPS counter in the top-left), has a confirmed 50ms input lag, making it the most responsive 60Hz game we've ever tested. Over and above the additional controller response, the PC version gives players the chance to power past the limitations of console technology and enjoy the full-fat 60Hz experience. The good news is that the required hardware to do so is relatively light - a fast dual-core CPU in combination with something along the lines of an NVIDIA 8800GT should provide the requisite horsepower not only to run the game at 60FPS but also to achieve full 1080p, or 1920x1200 resolution to boot.

You can find this interesting article under the following link. On page 3 the author talks about the partly supported 3D mode, he discovered, which makes hope for more, if you own a 3D screen.

» NFS Hot Pursuit: Face-Off

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