
NFS Shift: Overhaul Mod 2.0 Friday, 04.03.2011
NFS ShiftThe Community Patch v1.05 already brought several bugfixes and improvements for Need for Speed Shift, but the Overhaul Mod goes a step further and contains modifications on the physics components and plenty visual, audio, and gameplay tweaks.

The Overhaul Mod was released in v2.0 at the end of February with the following features:

1) Many, many, many bugs have been fixed - every bugfix from Unofficial Community Patch 1.05 and several more. It turns out, Shift is actually a much better game once you get rid of a bunch of low level data bugs! :)

2) Practically every physics component of the game has been altered with the aim of improving basic data accuracy and in-game consistency between cars. Suspensions, engines and aerodynamics have been altered to reflect per-car and per-upgrade level changes more accurately than in the stock game. There are also many changes to default car setups and controller profiles to give better feedback and response to control input, particularly for wheel users.

3) An extremely large number of visual, audio, and gameplay tweaks have been provided by members of the Shift community, either removing outright or giving you the option to remove several other annoyances from the stock game.

The installation can be quite complex, so make sure to read the installation thread at the NoGripRacing board:

» Download NFS Shift Overhaul Mod 2.0 @ NoGripRacing
» Overhaul 2 Installation Guide @ NoGripRacing
» (Source)
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