
NFSMW: Cast Sonntag, 17.07.2005
As the big movie website IMDB (International Movie Database) says, there will be professional intros and videos in Need for Speed Most Wanted, directed by Dave Footman, who recently worked at movies like "The Day After Tomorrow" or "Dreamcatcher".

Main character will be a female officer, played by, Simone Bailly, who already starred in films like "I Spy" and "The Delicate Art of Parking" and she played "Ka'lel" in "Stargate SG-1".
Additionally there are the two cohans Ronnie and Toro Sato, played by Paul Dzenkiw and Kevan Ohtsji. Kevan Ohtsji also had a part at "Stargate SG-1" by playing "Oshu".

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