
Info: Wallpaper Contest - The last days Freitag, 22.07.2005
Wallpaper ContestOur wallpaper contest is coming to an end! Until sunday you have time to upload your wallpapers.

All you have to do, is creating a wallpaper, which has something to do with Need for Speed, no matter which one. If you like the Underground series most, or you'd better like to be nostalgic or want to try Need for Speed Most Wanted as your theme is completely your own decision.
The pictures have to be uploaded until Sunday, July 24th 2005 under the following link:

Small tipp: Take a look at the wallpaper-sections, the official Wallpapers are good material or search in the news for "Wallpaper", then you'll find much material. :)

» NFS-Planet Wallpaper Contest
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