
NFSMW: Blacklist Character Razor / Demo News Mittwoch, 09.11.2005
NFSMWOn the official Need for Speed Most Wanted website you now can find a new character of the game. This time it's rank #1 of the blacklist: Razor!

Razor rocketed to the top of the Blacklist using your ride. Now he's holding it down and rolling the streets like he owns them. He'll do anything he can to give himself an edge. That includes messin' with your head. Remember, you can't trust anything he says.

Regarding that we have a small movie in our movie section.

Additionally we have a small update regarding the demo:

So here's a nice little something to think about. Rarely, do we do demo releases on Friday's. Just doesn't work w/ our file release plan. Friday's, people are thinking about their weekend, other games, etc.

That's all I'll say on the subject.

But it's coming definitely before the 14th.

» NFSMW: Movies
» Preorder Need for Speed Most Wanted at
» Preorder Need for Speed Most Wanted at
 Shocker Kommentare (8)

#8: von Nyiz (09.11.2005 22:39)
TUIO, egyet értek jöhetne már! (I agree with Tuio, it would be good, if it comes soon )

#7: von Marco (09.11.2005 21:55)
They think we are stupid

EA think that all players are fools, stupids or something like that....And they wanna that we buy an original copy ....why ?? Because we are idiots.....

#6: von TUIO (09.11.2005 20:48)
Már jöhetne a Demo


#5: von drugstein (09.11.2005 16:45) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
It seems to be released on Friday

I just Can wait until Saturday.

It would be good if they release the demo this weekend, cause i don't work and I have more time to play computer.

In the paragraph of MW, I did Understand that it will be released on friday.

Thanks From Brazil.

#4: von RoBy (09.11.2005 12:26)
not on 8th.. not Friday.. before 14th.. small chances today.. i guess it is thursday

#3: von Martan (09.11.2005 11:27)

It so f***ed up how EA response to the players. At microsoft XBOX theres demo but other platforms can just go to ....

I hate the EA, suck ur dicks there. Im tireed of waiting!

#2: von slaver (09.11.2005 06:37) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
This is just stupid... why not on the friday that was last week!? GOD DAMN IT!!

Speed is My Need

#1: von bo9dan (09.11.2005 05:41)
so it's gotta be released today or tomorrow...right?

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