
Motor City Online Infos Samstag, 13.10.2001
There were some new infos on the onlinegame Motor City Online. The both servers "Madison Park" and "Mercer Isle" are back online and run quite stable. And there is a new Patch v1.01.0097 which should solve the Cheating-Problem.
And the Message Boards at has been updated and there are some new features.
And there is a new Chat-Transscript of "Ask the Producer", where the MCO-developer Fishcreep answeres some qestions about MCO (from the 10/11). The next "Ask the Producer" will be on Tuesday from 3 to 3:30pm (PDT) in the chat on the server Madison Park in the game.
The official MCO-servertime is not any longer the Pacific Time (PDT) but the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)...
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