
Downloadprobleme Sonntag, 04.11.2001
Because of a new configuration of the FTP-Server there are some restrictions when downloading a file. You can only download a file, when there is also a referer-link. This means when you are using the following programs or possibilities, which suppress or leave the referer blank, a download isn't possible anymore:

  • With wrong configured Firewalls
  • With some Download-Programs like Getright or Gozilla
  • In the Internet Explorer the option "Save target as..." doesn't work anymore
This measure discharged the FTP-Server, but the users get bad errors.

Simplest solution: Just click on the Downloadlink, without using any Downloadmanagers (by holding down the "Alt-Key" you disable the program), and firewall, which doesn't suppress the refererlink, and download the file completely "old-fashioned" with your browser ;)

Hope it works!
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