
Interview with NFS The Run Producer Alex Grimbley Freitag, 11.11.2011
The RunGamerzines sat down with Alex Grimbley, Producer of Need for Speed The Run and made an interview in three parts.

In this interview he talks about the development of Need for Speed The Run, the cars, rubberbands, out-of-the-car sequences and the difference between PC and consoles.

GZ: The Frostbite engine has gotten a positive response from how it looks on PC, but with regards to consoles the feedback has been mixed. Do you foresee NFS: The Run looking better on PC than consoles?

AG: Every game looks better on PC, doesn’t it? As you can spend £5,000 on hardware or whatever.

GZ: True, but most of the time the differences are negligible due to most games being developed primarily for the Xbox 360, then they port to PC and chuck in support for a few extra visual options. Are you guys following that formula?

AG: We concentrate on all the platforms during development, we don’t go crazy on one build and then the others catch up. We go through it step by step as the game goes through development, it’s the same group of guys. I think what you’re picking up on is that if certain games look the same on PC as they do on consoles, they aren’t putting their energy into PC. So the fact that you’re picking up on the fact that the PC version looks great then that just means the effort has been put into that, because people spend $5,000 on their setup and obviously it’s going to be more impressive than the $200 console. I think what you’re saying is just a reflection of the extra effort on the PC.

GZ: Have you guys made that extra effort with The Run?

AG: Yeah when you put the PC version on Ultra settings it looks amazing, but we think the console versions look amazing as well! It’s such a cool engine to work with, it was easy to work with. We’ve been working with DICE for two and a half years on it as well, so I think it’s one of the best looking racing games. Some of those moments when you come round a corner and the sun hits the camera…

GZ: And the sandstorms…

AG: Yeah I love that, you’re trying to peer through ahead and then you see some headlights coming towards you!

GZ: Are there other tricks like that which modify the core racing experience?

AG: There are lots! Obviously there’s the avalanche part in the demo as well. I’m not going to tell you what they are, but there’s plenty of ways we can mix it up. There’s some urban stuff too which is pretty cool, it’s just little things like the train at the beginning which we use as the starting point. We start with that train and then ramp up to an avalanche falling on your head, so we do anything between those two really.

You can find the complete interview (in 3 parts) here:

» Interview with Alex Grimbley #1 @ Gamerzines
» Interview with Alex Grimbley #2 @ Gamerzines
» Interview with Alex Grimbley #3 @ Gamerzines

» Preorder Need for Speed The Run at!
» Preorder Need for Speed The Run at!
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