
MCO: BigBen interviews Cadillac Freitag, 12.04.2002
On the official site of Motor City Online they published an interview, where BigBen interviews Cadillac. Cadillac works at Eelectronic Arts in the tech-support section, and you can find him very often at the boards of the NFS and MCO community and has very good contacts to players.
in his interview he talks about what he is doing, how the MCO team works, he talks about bugs and how players can help to eliminate them, and about some statistics.

"A recent thread started by a player on the boards that asked about what percent racer, collector, or mechanic are you was started. It showed me that there were a lot more collectors and mechanic than racers out there. I was pleasantly surprised by these results."

Official Motor City Online Website
To the Interview

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