
NFS U: EA comments Donnerstag, 30.10.2003
At the official baords an EA representative talks about the confusion witht the releasedate of the demoversion of Need for Speed Underground.


First let me apologize for any inconvenience, miscommunication or misunderstanding regarding the pending release of the PC demo for Underground.

Due to the fact that games are released at different times in different regions, we don't always work in complete conjunction with our International sites.

This is something we're working on changing on a daily basis, but for this demo specifically, the primary reason why I did not have a countdown clock added to the US site was because I could not get a definitive date of its release.

The demo release date has been changed for a number of reasons, but short story is that work on the game had to come first. The demo is pulling from material of the game and as such makes more sense to let this be second so that it can give you the closest experience to what the retail version would be like at release.

I've been working with a number of fan sites to keep them aware of any major date changes regarding the demo but the most recent change I only received myself a short time ago.

Going forward, my international brethren & I will try to work closer together to ensure that information is accurate.

Again, I apologize and you all will be the first to know when and where you'll be able to download and play it.


Additionally the site Racing Nation Online collected all posts from Jon, and created a FAQ which contains all his answers to important questions.

» NFS U: Boards
» NFS U: FAQ @ Racing Nation Online
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