
NFS 7: EA Announcement Freitag, 05.12.2003
Electronic Arts now confirmend in an official announcement the developing of a new patch:

NFS Family,

Thank you for your continued support of NFS Underground. We appreciate your thoughts and comments about the game as well as your dedication to the community. We wish to support you as well, and as such wanted to give you an update on a few action items.

First, with regards to cheating. In the next few weeks, we'll be releasing a patch that is going to implement additional cheat detection functionality. Once this is addressed, we will be resetting the rankings and wiping all scores so that players can start anew. In the meantime, we are also posting some new server side code mid-this week that should address a good number of the cheats.

Although cheats will still be present within gameplay, once the race results are reported to the server we will then catch the cheaters and assign them a loss and a disconnect. All other players involved in the game that did not cheat will simply have the race results removed from their records. We will also be keeping a database from these results which will identify any player using cheats/trainers which we can then use to permanently ban those players from playing online. Action against players who have been detected as cheating will be enforced. Within the next week and forthcoming weeks, users who have been caught cheating will be permanently banned from playing online. This will be the last "warning" to anyone who may be cheating in the game.

We'll be providing more information regarding the patch as we get closer to its release, so be on the lookout for those details.

Lastly, we hear the cries regarding LAN play and are looking into ways to make this feasible as well. We appreciate your patience and candor in submitting these requests to us.

The NFSU Dev Team

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