
Info: EA president and CEO John Riccitiello resigns Donnerstag, 08.04.2004
Electronic Arts today announced that President and Chief Operating Officer John Riccitiello, responsible for global publishing, online and other corporate departments, has resigned his position effective immediately but will remain at EA for a transition period.

"I want to thank John for the tremendous contribution he’s made in the past six years," said CEO Larry Probst. "His vision and leadership have been extremely valuable and he has built an outstanding team. I wish John the very best."

"My time at EA was the best work experience in my life," said Mr. Riccitiello. "Personally, it is time to do something different and I intend to start a private equity business. I’m leaving EA when the company is enriched with the best people, the best properties and a very bright future."

Mr. Probst will continue as CEO and assume interim responsibility for Mr. Riccitiello’s duties while EA evaluates candidates to join the company’s senior leadership team.

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