
NFSMW: Downloadable Addons - if then for all platforms Freitag, 17.02.2006
NFSMWRecently there was an interview with Larry LaPierre, the Senior Producer of Need for Speed Most Wanted at TalkXbox (we reported). To avoid misunderstandings, here's a word from EA:

I've been doing some scanning and seeing some concerns about downloadable content only being for Xbox 360.
Simply put, that's not our intent. Our goal is to do what we can to make such content available regardless of platform.

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 Shocker Kommentare (1)

#1: von D3vilracer (18.02.2006 22:07)

I think that is bull **** because all EA really care about is making money, and now they have made there $$$ they don't care about the game. They didn't even release a patch to fix the freezing problem on the game and the thing about the updates for x-box 360 is true because EA signed a deal with microsoft to make there version more playable than the rest

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