
Info: EA acquires Super Computer International (SCI) Montag, 08.10.2007
Electronic ArtsElectronic Arts today announced the acquisition of Atlanta-based Super Computer International (SCI). SCI is a leading provider of gaming client applications and software tools for the PC.

EA will purchase SCI's technology assets and the SCI development team will join EA's Online Technology Group. Jesper Jensen, SCI CEO, will continue to lead the team, reporting to Nanea Reeves, EA Vice President and COO for Online.

"SCI's development expertise is uniquely suited to our online technology needs," said Nanea Reeves. "The team's technical leadership and creative approach is a great fit, and we're thrilled to have them join EA."

SCI is the creator of PlayLinc, a next generation online game browsing and messaging platform that includes rich social networking tools like IM and VoIP, buddy tracking, player invitations and team management.

SCI's technology might won't be used for Need for Speed ProStreet yet, but we will see how this acquisition has an effect on the online-modes of future NFS games.

» Preorder Need for Speed ProStreet at
» Preorder Need for Speed ProStreet at
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