
NFS PS: VGA Benchmarks and Tuning Tipps Freitag, 23.11.2007
NFS Pro StreetThe german print magazine PC Games Hardware tested Need for Speed ProStreet with some up-to-date graphic cards and created a comparison chart, which shows what framerates are possible with each card. They tested older models like the AMD Radeon X1950 Pro up to the new 8800 GT, which can even beat a 8800 GTX with the right settings.

Additionally PCGH found out during testing, which settings are best to run ProStreet smoothly. You can reach the best performance with reducing the setting "World Shadows" - the Nvidia 7600 GT gets 45 % more performance with this option disabled. Other important switches are "World Lighting" and "World FX". If you don't get the desired frame rate after disabling these options, you can try to reduce the resolution. Then ProStreet will run also on older PCs, because the system requirements didn't really change compared to its predecessors, even with the damage model.

Fitting this topic, the Windows Vista Magazin made a comparison the detail levels in form of screenshots. Unfortunately some graphics are saved in the GIF-format, which only allows up to 256 colors, so the pictures don't always show the real colors of the game. You can find the link to the gallery here:

» NFS ProStreet VGA Bechmarks @ PCGH (German)
» NFS ProStreet Detail Comparison @ Windows Vista Magazin (German)

» Order Need for Speed ProStreet at
» Order Need for Speed ProStreet at
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