
Info: EA restructuring, Black Box is moving Freitag, 19.12.2008
Electronic ArtsThe publisher Electronic Arts is currently undergoing some restructuring and announced today redundancies of 10% (~1,000 people) of its work force (which represents a four percent increase from the six percent reduction EA announced in October).

Additionally at least nine studio and publishing locations are going to be closed or consolidated, among them EA Black Box, the developers of the Need for Speed series since Hot Pursuit 2. The development team will move to the nearby EA studio location in Burnaby, British Columbia.

So the rumours of shutting down the NFS series last week (see » here and » here) are partly true, but it doesn't seem like EA is cutting NFS. It's not sure however, who will continue the series: the Black Box team, maybe Criterion Games (the makers of Burnout) or a fusioned team...

The layoffs and restructuring plan will result in annual cost savings of approximately $120 million and restructuring charges of approximately $55-65 million over the next several quarters.

 Shocker Kommentare (3)

#3: von Dramen (21.12.2008 23:13) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden

Finally EA have confronted the masses, hell actually LISTENED to the community for once ¬¬.

I'm glad there dropping NFS. Hopefully a better dev can revive it. Or even better, scrap "NFS" Completely and make a new, better game.


#2: von guylord (20.12.2008 18:03) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
don\'t do it ea...

don't do it ea cuz nfs is like my dream games of all the games i play (half of them are nfs) i play with the nfs ones 80% of the time i play all of those game. EA you know it's best to jsut give it to another division of yours. I mean hasn't Ea sold like 80 million copies of nfs (10 million more than gta) and thats a very popular game francise. So even if the games suck nowadays i still buy them cuz i am nfs fan so don't dissapoint me and keep it going (even if they continue to suck).

When the race gets tough...I drive faster

#1: von IlijaPlayerP (20.12.2008 13:13) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
It's always about the money...I just don't know why they are so greedy. If they end the NFS series SHAME ON THEM. I've been playing NFS since I was a little kid. I have completed every 12 titles and I like them, but I think if they shut down NFS series a lot of people will be dissapointed. Time will tell.

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