
EA: Online Pass discontinued Donnerstag, 16.05.2013
Electronic ArtsEA will discontinue the Online Pass, announced EA senior director of corporate communications John Reseburg at GamesBeat. The decision was partially based on player response.

Yes, we’re discontinuing Online Pass. None of our new EA titles will include that feature.

Initially launched as an effort to package a full menu of online content and services, many players didn’t respond to the format. We’ve listened to the feedback and decided to do away with it moving forward.

The Online Pass was activated by a one-time code packaged with the game and was needed for unlocking the multiplayer modes and online features. If you're playing the game on another console or if you bought the software used, you had to acquire a new code from EA (of course, for a fee).

The Online Pass is problem for the second-hand market and also publishers like Activision and Ubisoft make use of it. But from this point on you won't need an Online Pass for any of EA's future games online.

» Venturebeat (Quelle)
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