
NFSU2: Column - "Online Play in Underground 2" Freitag, 30.07.2004
NfS Underground 2Justin Wiebe, Associate Producer of Need for Speed Underground 2 wrote an article on the official NfS Underground 2 website, where he gives us some details of the onlinemode
So it will be possible for up to 6 players race at the same time, instead of only 4 in the predecessor. Additionally the lobbysystem has been overworked and should be much more user-friendly now.
The "Outrun mode" will be online playable. So 4 players can race against each other, and who first gets his opponents 300m behind him, wins.

And this one should be interesting:
"One of the most interesting decisions in this year’s game was to move away from the typical online ranking boards in favor of something a little more rewarding. I personally found myself last year logging onto Underground 1 for a few hours of racing only to discover I had only moved up 43 spots still leaving me well into 7000th spot, not very motivating. This year we have developed a new system that will not only see players work their way through 60 different ranking boards but will challenge them to rise to the ultimate goal of achieving Elite in each mode."

» The Inside Track #1 - "Online Play in Underground 2"
 Shocker Kommentare (3)

#3: von men stylish watches (13.03.2006 10:32)

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#2: von Nice blog (22.02.2006 23:16)

Very useful blog. Thank you.

#1: von joshua (05.02.2005 19:47)


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