
NFS C: Two new onlinemodes Mittwoch, 04.10.2006
NFS CarbonAs already stated here there is something more to tell you about the onlinemode of Need for Speed Carbon. There will be two new modes for online racing, called Pursuit Tag and Pursuit Knockout:

In "Pursuit Tag" the player has to escape from up to seven police cars. If you escape within one minute, you get the maximum points and change your role from the hunted to the hunter. This mode takes place in the free roaming world.

"Pursuit Knockout" is a mode which is quite similar to the K.O.-mode of NFS Most Wanted. The gaming concept guarantees quite some action: Up to eight players can participate on one race. The last one gets knocked out each round and turns automatically to a police car and can pursuit the other drivers and have to damage them as much as possible. Each round the number of police cars gets higher until only one driver is left, who has to escape from the police two more rounds until he's declared as the winner.

Good knowledge of the tracks is the A and O in the game, because the players who are acting as the police can block the roads with their cars. The normal players can only use the regular track, but the cop cars can use shortcuts and drive through track areas which are closed to the others.
Which one of the three police cars you get (Rhino, Cruiser or Corvette) depends on the level of your own car.

Sounds nice, doesn't it? :)

 Shocker Kommentare (5)

#5: von GTX2X (06.10.2006 00:16) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
it's right that there are no online drift mode

everybody who had play or saw people played drift mode in NFSC knows that only your car are shown on the screen,you cant see each others.You can only see their points are adding.So it is same to race with the computer.If you want to drift showdown with your friend,just use the split screen mode if there is .If there are not, just compare the point on MSN or something.(I'm not sure about it)

#4: von RGCxTheOnly (05.10.2006 13:05) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
BurnExhaust is right

What is with EA why dont they make drift one online mode I mean its one of the main once at least more important then the new "fancy" modes no one wants any way. Just the simple sprint, circuit, drag and drfit should be there but they cant even manage that?! Why? I hope there is one and it has been left out in the reports but its looking bad for drift once again!

#3: von BurnExhaust (05.10.2006 07:40) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
this is sux where is the drift mode from online ??? F**k EA games


#2: von DarkSpeed (04.10.2006 20:02) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite

Lol thats right calvindon
i take the words from me
we what to know about the demo

Tuning Boy

#1: von calvindon (04.10.2006 19:25) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
yer yer sound gd i guess but we pc gamers need the demo dat's wat you lot should be posting now


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