
NFS C: Wii is coming to Europe Mittwoch, 29.11.2006
NFS CarbonOn December 8th Nintendo's Wii will launch in Europe and so does Need for Speed Carbon (for Wii).
Nintendo is shipping an exceptionally large number of consoles - 4 million globally by the end of 2006, the largest ever for a Nintendo console launch. Wii launched in the US on 19th November and sold over 600,000 consoles in just one week. That’s a rate of nearly one per second continuously since the launch date. The European and Japanese launches follow close behind – Europe on December 8th and Japan on December 2nd.

"We're launching a great product and we knew that demand would be high. Nintendo’s expansion of the gaming market is paying dividends and Wii really is the ‘must have’ item for Christmas. Obviously, we’re doing everything we can to make sure that everyone who wants one, gets one.", says Laurent Fischer, Marketing Director of Nintendo Europe.

To prepare you for the Wii-Launch we have a new video of NFS Carbon, where a Producer from Electronic Arts shows you the handling of the game on the new console. Additionally you can watch 17 new screens in our screenshots-section.

» NFS C: Movies
» NFS C: Screenshots
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