
NFS UC: Exclusive Hands-On Article Montag, 03.11.2008
NFS UndercoverLast week we had the chance to get our hands on Need for Speed Undercover, during our visit EA Black Box in Vancouver, Canada. We played a close-to-final version of the game, which will be in stores on November 18th (US) or November 21st (EU).

You can read about the impressions of the game in our exclusive Hands-On article:

» NFS UC: Exclusive Hands-On
 Shocker Kommentare (7)

#7: von NFSLatino5 (06.11.2008 04:31) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
Oh well Ill still buy it hopely on anext gen. console lol

Yeah I am that of kind of person whos into the tuning and this was a downside, but it makes up for it for the Most Wanted look, I really loved that game but it wasnt my favorite. My favorite NFS game is NFS Hot Pursuit 1.

NFS for life.

#6: von Dramen (04.11.2008 00:29) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden

Civil my 3rd nut...i really wanted to drive a cop version of the 08 challenger, aww oh well =z


#5: von Crazyhorse (04.11.2008 00:26) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
Nice review, thanks. I will definitely buy the game

#4: von Shocker (04.11.2008 00:01) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
@ Dramen:
You are an Undercover cop, so you'll have the possibility to take enemies down in your civil car.

@ kavit:
I think I'll give it a 8 out of 10, although I have to say that I only played a few hours and I can't give my full opinion. Basically I'd say if you liked Most Wanted, you'll definitely like Undercover as well. Combined with damage, the story, high details of the cars and many cops it's an entertaining racing game.


#3: von kavit (03.11.2008 23:43) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
shocker can u rate the game as much as u played out of 10

so i get a idea of how it is


#2: von Dramen (03.11.2008 23:40) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden

Wtf...u cant play as the cop car in career? RETARDED!! What the f*** is the point of calling it "undercover" then? f*** sake...I was looking forward to that :@!! At least MP still has it...if anyone will even play it lol...

Fuck sure one of the videos shows you as a cop in career...hmmm =[


#1: von Dramen (03.11.2008 23:38) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden

I knew the damage model sucked...shame...I want GRID style damage, I love that heh.

"scaled tuning"?!

The only thing thats making me still care about this game is:

-Sound: This time it looks as if EA got it right for once
-Cops/Playing as cops: Nuff said
-Multiplayer: Again, cops and robbers mode looks awesome
-Smashing up expensive cars: Nuff said ;D


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