
NFS 5: Silent Witness 2.0 Dienstag, 03.06.2003
Recently a new version of the tool Silent Witness has been released. The program itself is used to find out users who are using cheats or hacks. The tool analyses the replay files of NFS Porsche Unleashed, and reports you plenty statistics of the race and the drivers.

I am pleased to have once again been given the honor of announcing that a further enhancement of the "Next Generation" Porsche Unleashed (2000) cheat and hack detector is now available for public use. If you liked Silent Witness version 1 you are going to LOVE Silent Witness version 2 (SW2). The biggest difference is that SW2 is not so silent anymore! SW2 will now run in the background while you are racing online and give an audible alert whether the replay of a race is "clean" or "suspicious" without having to switch windows. SW2 includes a number of user configurable options including automatically saving suspicious replays, clean replays or both. Rather than go into the details of all the enhancements over the previous version here, I suggest you go grab your free copy, let the automatic installation program do it's thing, launch SW2 and then click the help button. The help file will tell you more about the new features, and what to do if you discover any hacks or cheats. Do you run Windows XP with a GeForce video card and have a problems switching windows? The help file also addresses that issue.

More information and downloadlink you can find here:

» Silent Witness Thread @ Racerplanet
» ND4SPDWorld (Quelle)
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