
Info: EA's Company Philosophy Freitag, 10.09.2004
Electronic ArtsJeff Brown, Communication-Chief of Electronic Arts gave an interview to the swedish Superplay-Magazine, where he speaks about Electronic Arts' company philosophy. Demonews translated the interview into german, which might won't help you very much. But here are some excerpts:

SP: Whta I find fascinating is the fact, that you can buy a licence game of EA and you don't get the best game of all times, but it's also not bad.

JB: Exactly. An EA-game is like an Audi or Saab: It is not very luxurious, but when you start it, it runs permanent. It offers reliability. If you concern how much cars cost: who wants to take a risk?

SP: Is it something EA is proud of? A high-low level without any special games?

JB: I think we do have these special games. "The Sims" for example is one. "Need for Speed Underground" was even the best racing game last year. And before it "Medal of Honor" one of the best Shooter ever.
But I do not think that EA games are bought because of the "Doom feeling". Statements like "Wow, I never saw something like that before" do not exist in our games. gibt es bei unseren Spielen nicht. Instead the gamers experience many entertaining hours with their video games and they don't feel tricked in any way. We respect the customers, there's no bad intention on our part. We don't have to apologize, eventual we have every year further 3 billion dollars on the account.


SP: With "Need for Speed Underground" EA created a "Tuning-Trend". Meanwhile diverse games have been announced, which orenientate on NFSU. No wonder: The sales were very good.

JB: The sales were better than any other game. But I have to admit, that although everyone of the EA staff is pretty intelligent, we could not estimate the success of NFSU. FIrst it was just a successful week, than a whole month and suddenly THE bestseller par excellence. Our developers analyzed the Underground-area a long time. Some of our older staff members wanted a Ferrari-licence for the game, but the developers meant, nobody would like to tune a Ferrari. We hat many lively discussions, which is one of our magnitudes.

In the interview it is also said, that Electronic Arts wants to intervene with Next-Generation consoles with Fifa and Need for Speed, which could let us hope of another Need for Speed follower.

» Interview @ Demonews (German)
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