
NFSMW: Blacklist Tournament Interview with Nick Taylor Samstag, 17.09.2005
Nick TaylorAn interview with Nick Taylor, host of the Blacklist Tournament events and also author of the Recaps, can be found at the official NFSMW website. Among other things, he talks about his areas of responsibility:

Jon Long: You've done a great job with the event making contestants both laugh and cry and have even made "I can't wait to send you home" the latest catchphrase. . Where did you come up with such a line?

Nick Taylor: This phrase started in Houston, Texas and was first used on one of the eliminated contestants. He kept saying "I can't believe you guys kicked me out the tournament" and so I kept telling him, "I can't believe you haven't gone home yet." It's an easy phrase that rolls off the tongue well so I decided to keep using it.

Jon Long: Many may not also know that you're the man responsible for the awesome recaps that get posted on the NFSMW official site? How does it feel to not only be the host of the Blacklist Tournament, but also the on-the-spot reporter as well?

Nick Taylor: The reason I enjoy writing the recaps is because it makes me feel like I am still in the middle of the event. This also makes my services more marketable because it also shows that I can do more than crack jokes on a microphone.

» NFSMW: Blacklist Tournament Interview with Nick Taylor<br>
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