
NFSMW: Downloadable Addons? Mittwoch, 19.10.2005
NFSMWOur german affiliate Speedmaniacs has some interesting news about Need for Speed Most Wanted:

For all who finished the singleplayer mode, the online multiplayermode is already waiting. Since the online component (except on PS2) is already available, it won't be a bad idea to to increase the long-time motivation by offering downloadable cars or races. On Xbox and Xbox 360 the Xbox Live-Service could be used.

Mike Upton recently talked about this with 'Xbox 360 - The official Xbox magazine'. "This will be extremely limited at Need for Speed Most Wanted", he says. "We want to offer Most Wanted quite directly from the box", which is quite important for a console game, which should be runable without patches and bugfixes. But therefore Mike Upton makes hopes for the future, because download contents are "definitely something we think about for the next Need for Speed-game". It's even getting more concrete: "Download-Contents are definitely a part of Need for Speeds future."

» Speedmaniacs (German) (Quelle)
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