
NFS PS: Gamershell shows NFSPS Development Sonntag, 21.10.2007
NFS Pro StreetThe onlinemagazine Gamershell published new material of the development of Need for Speed ProStreet. So you can find there a new developer diary video, which shows the features of the blueprint demo.

Additionally they have some interesting screenshots, showing the development of the game, especially the damage mode, textures and smoke effects.

Developer Sheet

The stuff is quite interesting, so check it out here:

» NFS PS Screenshots @ Gamershell
» Developer Diary (Video) @ Gamershell
» NFSUnlimited (Quelle)

» Preorder Need for Speed ProStreet at
» Preorder Need for Speed ProStreet at
 Shocker Kommentare (3)

#3: von TermxGamer (28.10.2007 02:13) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
USA Rules!

First i would like to say GET OFF YOUR KESTER and smell the mutha fukn bacon! The fact that yu assume ALL americans dont know where our own country is on the map (which we prolly made u dipshit) then your more ignorant then you can even possibly imagie with your very limited IQ. Im not saying ALL europeans are liek you, but boy YOU take the cake! As far as learning stuff us AMERICANS have freedom to CHOOSE what we want to learn if we want. I do agree knowledge is power though, and BOY do you need to get more of it! :P

Come get some!

#2: von matthew (22.10.2007 21:49) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
same prob. i'm from Malta. (just under sicily) IT IS NOT SICILY!

#1: von HasskA (22.10.2007 16:00) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
i hate EA

EA wake up and smell the flowers........ europeans aren't stupid like the americans we are more intresed in PC...... so launch already the pc demo you a*******( A QUESTION FOR THE PUBLIC HOW STUUPIDD CAN YOU BE IF YOU DON'T KNOWWHERE YOUR COUNTRY IS ON YOUR MAP ? TELL ME HOW STUPID:((( MAN I AM A ROMANIAN AND I LEARN EVERY COUNTRY IN U.S.A, AFRICA EUROPE ASIA, SOUTH AMERICA))))) I'M OBLIGATED TO LEARN ALL THIS AND THEY DON'T KNOW WHERE THERE OWN COUNTRY IS ))))))) ((((:

ThE BaD BoY HasskA

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