
Info: Server Move Donnerstag, 04.09.2008
As you may noticed, we had some problems with the server for the last two weeks and NFS-Planet had quite long response times. As a consequence we spent the last nights preparing a server move, which is finally finished - NFS-Planet is now on a new, faster server.

If you find any bugs or errors on the website, please don't hesitate to contact me. Nothing is perfect. Apart from hat, have fun at NFS-Planet! :)

 Shocker Kommentare (2)

#2: von RacingTopsy (05.09.2008 12:53) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden

I never had any problems on the english side of the page. Only on the german side it took a long time to load.

#1: von kavit (04.09.2008 18:57) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
yes its working fast thnx u

but wht happened to the Q&A u were going to give from teh GC


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