
Criterion Games: New Need for Speed in the works Donnerstag, 11.06.2009
Electronic ArtsThe rumors were flying thick and fast, and finally it is a fact: Electronic Arts' COO John Pleasants confirmed that a new Need for Speed title is currently under development at Criterion Games.

"We've taken the Burnout team and combined it with our Need For Speed franchise. So we now have that in our favor because that Burnout team is probably one of the more online-centric and notably high-quality game developers that we have out at Criterion."

EA's CEO John Riccitiello affirmed that there won't be any mix-up of both the NFS and the Burnout franchise:

"I don't think you can fold Burnout into Need for Speed, because a lot of people like Burnout. We don't have a plan right now for a separate major launch on Burnout, because the team doing it is working on a revolutionary take on Need for Speed."

"Revolutionary" take? Sadly they gave no explanation for that. Neither name nor release date for the new title were mentioned.

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 Junkie Kommentare (3)

#3: von DarkPaIn (12.06.2009 00:56) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
underground 3 - one vote up !

#2: von ATi0021 (11.06.2009 21:05) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
Criterion + NFS = WIN

Criterion are one of my favorite companies. I hope we get Hot Pursuit 3 or Underground 3.

#1: von goku1910 (11.06.2009 19:45) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
award winning dev.

I hope Criterion can make a NFS that actually DOESN'T SUCK!

I haven't liked any of the NFS games since Most Wanted

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