
Can Shift 2 beat "sterile" Gran Turismo? Dienstag, 23.11.2010
Shift 2 UnleashedWith the announcement of Shift 2 Unleashed Need for Speed fans can expect after the action-packed Hot Pursuit a more authentic racer.

In an interview with CVG EA's Patrick Soderlund sees "Gran Turismo" as a direct competitor to Shift. Although, he doesn't want to beat Gran Turismo in all areas, he wants to score with a more authentic race experience:

"Honestly, my take on this. Would I want to compete with Gran Turismo on sheer scale - meaning number of cars and the depth that they have in the game? Probably not."

"What does make sense to me... I think they have a very sterile, almost car collecting type of product where that's mainly what we do and I think we can offer something different"

"Our idea is that if we can offer the most authentic driving experience and portray what it feels like being inside a race car, then I think that's where we can excel and where we absolutely will beat them. That I know for sure."

Shift 2 Unleashed will be released in Spring 2011. You can find more information and the first trailer of the game here:

» Shift 2 Unleashed announced
» CVG (Quelle)
 Shocker Kommentare (1)

#1: von FedskaTheOne (23.11.2010 17:59) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
They already beat all the other racing games with their extreme dynamic cockpit view. No other game comes even close to that.


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