
NFS: The Run - E3 Gameplay Trailer Montag, 06.06.2011
The RunNeed for Speed: The Run was presented today at EA's press conference at the E3 in Los Angeles, revealing a huge new feature: for the first time in the history of the NFS series, it will be possible to get out of your car and continue the run by foot!

In this action-packed trailer you can see the first gameplay-scenes of NFS: The Run:

As Jack's epic cross-country race speeds into downtown Chicago, experience breathtaking action both behind the wheel and on foot. Jack must steal a police cruiser then evade the mob helicopter and a hailstorm of bullets in his desperate attempt to get back into the race.

The video doesn't reveal very much, but as expected it will be an intense fast-paced action racer.
You play the main character "Jack" who is on the run and has to get from San Francisco to New York. The first scenes remind of a mixture of NFS Underground and GTA - even with QTE (Quick Time Events) controls, known from Heavy Rain.

We will see what more information we can get out of the E3 in the next few days.

 Shocker Kommentare (5)

#5: von Phantom1CJ (13.06.2011 12:21) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
Suddenly I have a crazy idea.

LeMans Prototype on road, drifting through narrow corners, with wide body kit and ultimate performance.
I hope there will be LMP Police Cars too(Playable)

#4: von alexsilviu (12.06.2011 16:16) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
I hope blackbox won't dissapoint us again with this game like they did with undercover or world,witch were,let's say not good.
I hope will be between shift 2 and HP2010(like the producer said),where u can buy the cars,not earn them with bounty,and let us modify the carsl,like a body kit and some spoilers and rims.

fact of life ... after monday and tuesday even the calendar says W T F

#3: von FedskaTheOne (07.06.2011 13:07) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
I expect nothing but underground 2 and most wanted fanboys rage & disappointment from this game...


#2: von Phantom1CJ (07.06.2011 09:52) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
I think it looks like GTA more than NFS.

I hope EA won't let me disappointed again.
Actually, I hope there will be more cars than HP2010 and SHIFT2 did.
I hope the cars can be tuned and modified too.
(so i want a big garage. >100000)XD

#1: von GPReS (06.06.2011 22:56) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
Gooooooooood, i'm totally in love after seeing this )))))
I hope they won't disappoint me after release as the Criterion did ( HP2010 is still cool, I race it everyday, but unfortunately the support of the PC version was really bad in the most things)

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