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Total Tools: 19 | Total Downloads: 463618

Name: Tuning-Kit V.3
Author: Eddie R.
Downloads: 12720
Size: 44 KB
Date: Saturday, 04.11.2000
Description: This hack makes the performance of your car so fast, that you can hardly steer. :)
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Name: Tuning-Hack
Author: Eddie R.
Downloads: 11140
Size: 38 KB
Date: Saturday, 04.11.2000
Description: With this hack every car in NFS 5 gets a tuned motor.
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Name: Downloadable Cars Hack
Author: Addict
Downloads: 17426
Size: 15 KB
Date: Saturday, 04.11.2000
Description: A savegame, with which the player owns all cars you can download
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Name: All Cars with upgrades
Author: NFS-Garage
Downloads: 15178
Size: 33 KB
Date: Saturday, 04.11.2000
Description: Savegame with hardly all cars, but with the maximal mit fast allen Cars, dafür aber alle Cars mit maximal stage, and the evolution-mode and the factordriver-mode has been finished.
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Name: Cheat-Box
Author: ???
Downloads: 14106
Size: 3 KB
Date: Saturday, 04.11.2000
Description: With this hack you can swith a year forward or backward, or push up your money, or make new cars buyable.
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Name: Car Mod v.7
Author: Hypothraxer
Downloads: 17487
Size: 17 KB
Date: Saturday, 04.11.2000
Description: ALL cars (incl. the Bonus- and Cop-Cars) are now available in the sinleplayer-mode, in the evolution-mode you get all (incl. Bonus-, EA-Addon-, Cop-Cars) cars for only 256 Credits!. Your own profile is still useable!

(Download Credits)
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Name: AI Hack
Author: JB
Downloads: 9728
Size: 6 KB
Date: Saturday, 04.11.2000
Description: Makes the artificial intelligence of the enemies better.
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Name: Car-Hack
Author: Addict
Downloads: 9778
Size: 17 KB
Date: Saturday, 04.11.2000
Description: Makes it possible, when you finished the evolution-mode, to buy the addon-cars from EA. Then you can paint and tune them.
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Name: 32-Trainer
Author: ???
Downloads: 21439
Size: 1130 KB
Date: Saturday, 04.11.2000
Description: Activates all cars and tracks! (Taken offline due to malicious software warning)
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