
EA Restructuring with massive Layoffs (Update) Friday, 26.04.2013
Electronic ArtsElectronic Arts is restructuring, which resulted in massive layoffs yesterday. According to Kotaku EA is cutting jobs today with estimates of as much as 10% of the workforce. Wordwide EA employed more than 9,000 people.

EA even made an official statement on their website:

In recent weeks, EA has aligned all elements of its organizational structure behind priorities in new technologies and mobile. This has led to some difficult decisions to reduce the workforce in some locations. We are extremely grateful for the contributions made by each of our employees – those that are leaving EA will be missed by their colleagues and friends.

These are hard but essential changes as we focus on delivering great games and showing players around the world why to spend their time with us.

As it seems the studios PopCap Vancouver and Quicklime Studios are being closed. Quicklime Studios, which is a rebrand from EA Black Box was known for developing Need for Speed World, though it's not sure yet what this will mean for the future of NFS World.

Due to the concerns from the community the NFS World Team announced in an official statement, that Need for Speed World is not being shut down:

First and foremost, Need for Speed World IS NOT BEING SHUT DOWN. There is still a team dedicated to keeping the game up and running. Secondly, we’ve been keeping our eyes on our Facebook page, Twitter & Forums and have noticed that quite a few players have expressed concerns about their NFS World accounts. Allow us to confirm that nothing is happening to your accounts. They will be waiting for you in the game as they’ve always been.

We know that this isn’t a lot of information but we wanted to at least let everyone know that the game will carry on! In the coming weeks we will post more information about these changes as it comes available.

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